Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why was the Decloration of independence written? What issues were and were not addressed in the Decloration of Independece.

  The Writing of Common Sense made people start to think that independence was the right way to go. On June 7th, the Second Continental Congress debated the resolution introduced by Richard Henry Lee. Richard Henry Lee declared that the colonies were independent. There was some lingering thoughts that this motion wouldn't work. Some people where worried that the colonies wouldn't prevail. The people who thought that this was a good idea made a committee and then decided to right the Declaration of Independence. The committee consisted of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston and Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson was the main drafter of the Declaration of Independence. In order to pass the Declaration of Independence the committee decided to remove all references to freedom and slavery. July 4, 1776 the congress approved the Declaration of Independence.

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