Thursday, September 16, 2010

What events finally ended The Revolutionary War?

Many important battles ended the Revolutionary War, such as The Battle of Saratoga, The Battle at Yorktown, and the Battle of Brandywine, but one of the most important event was the signing of The Treaty of Paris. The Treaty of Paris was signed on September 13, 1783, and was signed by Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and John Jay in Paris. Britain agreed to remove all existing troops in America and also agreed to pay all existing debts owned to great Britain.

The signing of The Treaty of Paris

How did the War progress in the Southern Colonies?

A while after The Battle of Saratoga was ended, British General Clinton, head of the British forces in America, decided to move the campaign south, where he felt there were more British loyalists. The British succeded in taking over Savanah, Georgia and Charleston. In 1780, the British forces also took Camden, South Carolina, where the British forces made their most important base there, where food and supplies where assembled.

How did the Battle of Saratoga affect foreign aid to the Patriots?

The Battle at Saratoga was fought on December 26, 1777 and lasted nineteen days. The French allied with the Americans and aided and supplied them. The on the battlefield, the men were half frozen and half starving. When the Americans won the battle, the French started having faith in our ability to win the war. They signed the Treaty of Pairs which increased their aid to us.They sent money, troops and supplies, as well as their navy.

The Battle of Saratoga

What was the Patriot's stategy at Trenton and Princeton?

On December 26 Washington's army surprised the British at Trenton. The strategy at Trenton was to surprise the British forces. This battle at Trenton was the first victory of the colonists.When the battle at Trenton was fought, the American troops sidestepped the British forces instead of battling them at Princeton. Princeton was fought on January 3,1777 and was won by the Americans at the last moment.

The Battle at Princeton

What Problems did the patriots face in Canada and New York?

Some of the problems that the Patriots faced were harsh conditions and fierce weather. The harsh conditions were a big toll on the Patriots because then the soldiers had to waste energy that they would normally need for fighting in the war. The harsh weather made the land very hard to navigate. The weather could also mess up the Patriots equipment. If water got in the rifle that they were holding, that gun would become obsolete. The water would prevent the gun from firing if the water would lodge itseld in a certain spot.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What are the Patriots advantages and disadvantages at the beggining of the Revolutionary War?

The disadvantages for the patriots at the beginning of the war put them in a bad position.They had a lot of disadvantages such as lack of money and supplies, they had no navy, poorly trained/ disciplined forces. Some of the major advantages of the Patriots were they knew geography very well and most of the Patriots owned rifles. They also had General George Washington as the commander and chief of the continental army. George Washington was one of the best strategists and generals of all history.  

General George Washington

Why was the Decloration of independence written? What issues were and were not addressed in the Decloration of Independece.

  The Writing of Common Sense made people start to think that independence was the right way to go. On June 7th, the Second Continental Congress debated the resolution introduced by Richard Henry Lee. Richard Henry Lee declared that the colonies were independent. There was some lingering thoughts that this motion wouldn't work. Some people where worried that the colonies wouldn't prevail. The people who thought that this was a good idea made a committee and then decided to right the Declaration of Independence. The committee consisted of John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston and Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson was the main drafter of the Declaration of Independence. In order to pass the Declaration of Independence the committee decided to remove all references to freedom and slavery. July 4, 1776 the congress approved the Declaration of Independence.